Finally we have an "oracle": there are 4 text box corresponding to the 4 suits of deck, each box corresponds to a suit. Each suit has an own meaning and therefore a different interpretation (so for example if we want to do a question of sentiments we will have to go to the cups, of sacrifice to wands, conflicts to swords, material matters to coins), to find out the corresponding card we will insert a key word or phrase according to the question we want to do (commas, points, question marks, exclamation marks... they can be put but the program does not take into account, numbers in change also we have it in mind), when we accept we have its corresponding image. This can be made for a suit or several according to the interest of our consultation. Since a consultation can be refer to a fact past, present or future we must put the date in the top (by default the programme will take the current date), time therefore is another factor to be counted in our consultation (it's not the same a question done today than tomorrow, or any other day). Then pressing where it puts "RESULTANT" we will obtain for the required date the corresponding card for the major arcana in conclusion mode, if we press over the image we will obtain a brief interpretation in the top text box. The most audacious have the possibility to obtain through an aleatory system a real throw (through options menu) . By default the program begins with the objective throw but then if we opt for the real one the program will remind it the next time. The difference between one an another is that the real throw considers the inverted cards too, while the objective don't (the real throw is therefore much more dangerous). Whether in this module and in the numbers and names you can save the results , we can also choose whichever melody in mid format to listen when the oracle starts.

Now to you corresponds interpret the throw, it doesn't treat to give lessons to others but to learn from yourself.